These steps are critical to decrease the risk of an infection in your joint replacement. We conduct surgery in a sterile Operating Room using only instruments that have undergone medical-grade sterilization and give you antibiotics during surgery – but research has found that when infections occur, even then it still usually comes from the patient’s own natural skin bacteria. Decreasing the amount of bacteria on/in your body around the time of surgery is critical to minimize the risk of an infection.
Shower with the Chlorhexidine gluconate soap you received from your doctor at the Pre-Operative appointment just before surgery
- The morning of surgery: Shower again with the soap as instructed at your preoperative visit
Mupirocin Nasal Ointment
- This helps decrease the amount of Staph bacteria on your skin at the time we make the incision
- Apply small amount directly to nares twice daily leading up to surgery
The night before surgery:
- NOTHING TO EAT OR DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT (small sips of water in the morning with your pills is acceptable)
- Good night’s sleep
- Avoid drinking alcohol if possible the night before surgery. It’s OK to have ONE drink at most.